INTAG systems eliminate your transport and cold storage costs associated with food delivery and storage. Your produce can be grown at or near your restaurant, picked fresh, and prepared in a matter of minutes. INTAG aquaponics systems have lower operating costs than traditional aquaponics and hydroponics systems primarily because we don’t need to source mineral... READ MORE
INTAG systems eliminate your transport and cold storage costs associated with food delivery and storage. Your produce can be grown at or near your restaurant, picked fresh, and prepared in a matter of minutes. INTAG aquaponics systems have lower operating costs than traditional aquaponics and hydroponics systems primarily because we don’t need to source mineral nutrients. The fish in our aquaponics systems provide optimal nutrients, eliminating the need and expense of buying harvested minerals from mines. Chefs who use INTAG systems saw an approximate 65% decrease in production costs. For instance, on average, the cost of microgreens decreased from $30/lb to $9/lb, and spring mix decreased from $15/lb to $4/lb. SHOW LESS